Category: Car Names starting with B
Gender: Female The origin of the car name Berta: German The meaning of the car name Berta: The bright one. The name may also be a colloquial shortening of …
Gender: Male The origin of the car name Ben: Hebrew The meaning of the car name Ben: Right-hand son. Ben is frequently used as a shortened version of the …
Gender: Male The origin of the car name Benjamin: Hebrew The meaning of the car name Benjamin: Son of my right hand. The name is often shortened to Ben, …
Gender: Female The origin of the car name Beatrice: Latin The meaning of the car name Beatrice: Ameaning bringer of joy. Beatrice was Dante’s guide through Paradise in the …
Gender: Unisex The origin of the car name Benilde: Latin The meaning of the car name Benilde: Good. Benildus Romançon, (French: Bénilde) was a French schoolteacher and member of …
Gender: Female The origin of the car name Bethany: Biblical The meaning of the car name Bethany: The house of song, the house of affliction’. Bethany was the town …
Gender: Female The origin of the car name Bella: Latin The meaning of the car name Bella: Beautiful. The name is also related to the name ‘Belle’, which means …
Gender: Female The origin of the car name Beta: Greek The meaning of the car name Beta: From the Hebrew ‘Elisheba’, meaning either oath of God, or God is …
Gender: Female The origin of the car name Babs: English The meaning of the car name Babs From the Greek ‘Barbaros’ meaning foreign or strange, one who travels from …
Gender: Female The origin of the car name Babita: Latin The meaning of the car name Babita Foreign woman.